Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)


UGX 191,132,300

Main Objective

To strengthen technical and adaptive capacity of formal and informal governance structures in natural resource management, climate change adaptation, DRR, and economic development with improved coordination between local, national and regional levels

Specific Objectives

  1. To increase people’s knowledge and awareness of their rights to own, access and control the land
  2. To enhance the capacity of informal and community-based land institutions to protect land rights of vulnerable groups
  • Formation and training of women advocates/pressure groups/assemblies to articulate women’s land rights issues and strategies to protect land rights of widows/vulnerable women.
  • Capacity building of rural women pressure groups/association/assemblies, Area Land Committees, Local council courts, councils of elders to the protect land rights of the vulnerable groups of people
  • Organise community outreaches and awareness sensitization meetings on land rights and land utility for livelihood
  • Conduct media campaigns, sensitization through radio talk shows
  • Organize and support dialogue and advocacy meetings of rural women advocates/associations
  • Facilitate coordination meetings at the district level to develop a joint action plans for implementation
  • Support lobby and advocacy campaigns by community based institutions for establishment of ordinances on land by District Councils