Strengthening Citizens’ Engagement in Elections (SCENE)
Donor Uganda NGO Forum Amount UGX 528,247,592 Timeframe 4 years (2022-2025) Main Objective Specific Objectives Results of the project.... more details

Building Resilience in Conflict Affected and Fragile communities of Karamoja (BRICK) project
Donor KOICA & UNDP Amount USD 10,000,000 Timeframe 3 years (2023-2025) Main Objective Please outline the objectives, the expected outcomes, and outputs of the Project. Specific Objectives Specific Objective 1: To facilitate increase of incomes for vulnerable households through environmentally friendly livelihoods options and strengthening essential service institutions in select districts of Karamoja region. Specific […].... more details

Enhancing Governance for Inclusive Development in Karamoja (EGID)
Donor Royal Danish Embassy Amount UGX 1,385,000,000 Timeframe 4 years (2024-2027) Main Objective Specific Objectives Results of the project.... more details