Market Access Made Easy: New Community Access Roads Transform Lives in Rupa Subcounty, Moroto

Market Access Made Easy: New Community Access Roads Transform Lives in Rupa Subcounty, Moroto

Published By admin |  December 10, 2024

KADILAKENY VILLAGE RUPA SUBCOUNTY – Mary Atekit’s day begins early, as she carefully packs her precious cargo: silverfish (omena), tomatoes, onions, and salt. But the journey to market is a hurdle she dreads.

“The Kadilakeny-Nyanyidiki road used to be bad, and bodabodas (motorcycles) are expensive,” Atekit,39, explains, frustration etched on her face. “I used to spend Shs 10,000 on a return journey, just to reach the market. It eats into my profits, leaving me with barely enough to support my family.”

But Atekit’s fortunes changed when she participated in the Cash for Work program, implemented by Riamiriam Civil Society Network-Karamoja with funding from the United Nations Development Program and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). She joined hundreds of community members in opening the access road connecting Kadilakeny Village to the nearby market.

Riamiriam Civil Society Network-Karamoja in partnership with GARD, VEDCO, Warrior Squad Foundation, and Better World funded by UNDP and KOICA is implementing six months titled, Building Resilience in Conflict Affected and Fragile communities of Karamoja (BRICK) project. The project is expected to address three key interconnected challenges faced by the pastoral communities in Karamoja sub-region which include high vulnerability, tension and conflicts among communities in the vast border region of Karamoja, and rising prevalence of violence against women and girls. 

The overall project purpose is to promote sustainable development through capacity strengthening of communities and local stakeholders to manage social, political, economic, and environmental risks.

“I worked for 20 days, clearing bushes and leveling the ground,” Atekit recounts. “In return, I earned Shs 200,000. It was life-changing.”

The opening of access roads has not only improved infrastructure but also boosted the local economy.

Those new community access roads are now passable and farmers can easily transport their produce to markets. This project is a perfect example of how infrastructure development can have a positive impact on the lives of the community”, said Godfrey Olaka, the Moroto District Assistant Engineer.

Now, the once-treacherous journey is a breeze. Atekit uses her bicycle to reach the market, saving money and increasing her profits.

“With this road, I can invest in my business and support my family,” Atekit beams.

Riamiriam Civil Society Network-Karamoja’s Program Manager, Dorcus Angom, notes, “This project empowered local communities to take control of their economic destiny. By involving community members in the opening of access roads, we ensured ownership and sustainability.”

Moroto District Commercial Officer, Lawrence Achia, adds, “The access road increased trade volumes and revenue for local traders. We’re seeing significant economic activity in the area.”

According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), poor road infrastructure is a major barrier to market access in Karamoja, affecting over 70% of rural traders. “Market access is a critical component of economic development, especially in rural areas,” says a UNDP Uganda’s Economic Development report.

As Atekit returns home, her bicycle laden with goods and her heart full of hope, she smiles. “This road changed my life. I’m grateful for this initiative.” END